Tracking My Progress

Saturday, September 25, 2010

this gluten thing.

I can't have gluten.  No bread, cake, mustard, malt vinegar, most salad dressings and candies, soy sauce, flour tortillas, pretzels, pasta, anything with wheat, rye, barley, malt, and oats.  HAHAHA.  Oh, and to make my diet complete, I also have discovered that I am lactose intolerant.  So add to the list of no-no's any ice cream, milk, cheese...  I CAN eat...  potatoes, rice, rice pasta, corn, quinoa (wtf is that?)... LMAO.  This is crazy.  No wonder I have been depressed and felt like crap most  of my life!!!  I cant eat fast food, or at any other restaurants.  God has given me some consequences to my addictions far and beyond what i have ever had before.  I no longer feel hungry all of the time.  I eat until I am full.  Yes, I get full!  I ate gluten last weekend, almost every meal and I immediately gained 6 pounds, my face broke out, I got sluggish and irritable, was in the bathroom a lot... it was awful.  I haven't had gluten since last sunday and my face is almost cleared up, I re-lost the 6 pounds and an additional 2 more, I have energy, I can focus, I am not irritable at all.  My family has one of their fun food get togethers today and regardless of their feelings, I said that we aren't going.  There is nothing that I can eat at the restaurant and I want to continue to feel healthy.  So, I am off to the apple and pork festival today.  Caramel apples are gluten free and I am taking a gluten free english muffin so that I can eat the bbq pork sandwich, just have to throw away the hamburger bun and use my english muffin. 

My son is happier, I am happier.  My grades are great, my job is still fun.  Things are going well :)

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